With MyBambu, you can earn extra money! We are the account that invests in you.

Open your MyBambu account, follow the steps and earn $35 USD!

Earn $35 when you open a MyBambu account and complete one of the qualifying transactions. T&C apply.

Earn up to $1,000 or 50,000 in tickets

You can also accumulate tickets on qualifying transactions to spin the wheel and win cash or more tickets. T&C apply.

Earn cashback!

Everytime you use your MyBambu physical or digital card at participating stores. T&C apply.

Refer and earn $25 USD each

You and Your Friend Both earn $25 when you refer a friend, and your friend completes the qualifying transactions. T&C apply.

4 First international money transfers for free*

The first 4 money transfers to Latin America are at no cost with MyBambu.

*See Terms and conditions and additional information here: Visit the page

You refer & earn, they save

Earn $40 when you refer a friend and your friend sends money to Latin America. T&C apply.